Welcome! Press play here...

Research shows women tend to wait many years before addressing their pelvic health concerns. Why not get started now with the foundational education and practices that can support you for the rest of your life? No more minimizing your symptoms, feeling shame or keeping secrets. I'm so ready to support and celebrate every step you take towards feeling pleasure, confidence, and comfort in yourself through pelvic embodiment. You deserve to know how your body works and how to get results.

    1. Welcome to EYTC! Start here...

    2. 4 Week Progress Chart

    3. Opening intentions

    1. EYTC Welcome Guide

    2. Lesson 1: Standing in your power

    3. Lesson 2: Wide squat moving from the sit bones

    4. Lesson 3: Sitting well

    5. Lesson 4: Table rocking (hands and knees)

    6. Lesson 5: Constructive rest position - relaxation

    7. Playlist of all lessons 1-5 above

    8. Share your reflections from Module 1

    1. Lesson 1: Our Stories

    2. Questions for Self-Reflection

    3. Lesson 2: Yoga's Wisdom

    4. Lesson 3: Pelvic Floor Mythbusting

    5. Lesson 4: Reclaiming Wholeness

    6. Nourishing The Koshas: Meditation

    7. Share your reflections from Module 2

    1. Anatomy and Practical Tips

    2. How to Find and Feel Your Pelvic Floor (and a brief story!)

    3. Pelvic Anatomy Images

    4. Self Touch Guided Tour - Audio

    5. Share your reflections from Module 3

    1. Breathing Anatomy and Functional Relationships

    2. Breathing & Pelvic Floor on Ultrasound from Brent Anderson @ PMA 2015

    3. Jellyfish breathing

    4. Sound strategies for different PF goals

    5. 'Who' breath or 'Candle flame" breath – pacifying

    6. ‘Blow before you go’ strategy from Julie Weibe

    7. Breath for retraining reflexive core – activating

    8. Hakini Mudra Breath for Integration

    9. Share your reflections from Module 4

    1. Mat-based movement practice

    2. Meditation: Relax and reconnect to your center

    3. Supported Bridge Restorative Posture

    4. Share your reflections from Module 5

About this course

  • $297.00
  • 45 lessons
  • 5.5 hours of video content

Join this month and receive:

Bonuses valid for spring 2023 sale of EYTC. Welcome in, sister!

  • 2 Live Group Coaching Calls

    Save the date to join a supportive circle of women and share in real time - Thursday, April 13 and Thursday, May 4 at 6:30pm central time. May these conversations illuminate fresh insights for your practice.

  • Access to support as a member

    Any time you have a question when moving through the EYTC program (it's inevitable!) I want you to know I'm here to give you personalized feedback and support. Let me know how I can help!

  • Already a member of EYTC?

    Save the date to join us for the 2 live coaching calls this spring! (See dates at left.) Bring your questions and the progress you've made to celebrate together in circle.

You don't have to do this alone.

Improving your pelvic embodiment is a practice. Let me support you.